Own It! The Accountability Factor
When a workplace issue arises, what is each person’s role in that issue? Accountability is about personal leadership, and it applies to all team members, regardless of organizational job titles. Learn what you can do to improve workplace issues, solve problems, enrich working relationships, and enhance your personal leadership accountability for greater influence and effectiveness. Experience The 180° Rule for Accountability™, a tool for greater team accountability, and walk away with a personal challenge and action steps to take your accountability to the next level of effectiveness.
Leading a High Performing Team
Being a member of a team can be an energizing, career-enhancing experience or, an exercise in frustration. Which is it for you? 21st century organizations place a high value on team assignments to move multiple projects forward and achieve even greater results than in the past. In today’s economy, customer expectations are heightened, and they expect higher and greater levels of service than ever before. Is your team consistently meeting and exceeding those expectations?
If you believe you and your team members are ready to move to the next level of performance, this program will give you practical skills and tips to make that happen. Learn the key components highly effective team leaders regularly demonstrate to keep their teams on track. Teams are not stagnant. Learn the cycle of development of teams, their unique characteristics, and the leadership style most appropriate for each cycle. Participate in a challenging and fun experiential exercise to apply your team knowledge, skills, and strategies in action. Leading a High Performing Team will lead participants through specific successful steps any of us can take to enhance our team skills.

Beyond Words
Get Real! Communication is HARD, and leaders know that effective communication is the key to individual and organizational success. After all, if people do not understand the message or direction, how can they achieve success?
This interactive program prepares participants to align “the how and the what” of organizational communication to enhance their performance results. They will walk away with concrete ideas and a personal Engagement Plan to boost their communication credibility.
Communication in the 21st Century is no easy task with massive amounts of information flooding our communication portals! Learn how to navigate the waters and anchor your message to significantly enhance your communication skills.
THE 7 Categories for Organizational Performance Excellence
How good are you and how do you know?
Most organizations will tell you that they do a good job of serving their customers, but by what standards and measures do they base those views? Most will tell you that they have goals and measures and may even say that they regularly review their results. But to what level of review do they hold themselves accountable? How good are they, and how do they know?
Based upon the national Malcolm Baldrige process, this session will provide you with the tools to answer those questions and a practical way to return to your organization and begin to assess both your organizational strengths and gaps where performance could be optimized.
Are you asking the right questions to assess your organization in these seven critical areas?
Come prepared to explore your organization’s performance in these seven areas and learn how to take your knowledge of each to a deeper level of understanding to elevate your results.

Nancy serves as a trusted advisor and consultant to organizations seeking to strengthen their accountability culture. Organizational culture exists at all levels of the organization and most organizations have gaps at various levels that can be enhanced to improve both organizational and individual performance and results. Consulting engagements are customized based upon the needs of the organization.
As a Certified Coach of Leaders, we use a one-on-one coaching process to work with employees seeking to improve their effectiveness within the organization. Organizational leaders will benefit from discovering opportunities to not only enhance their work, but also their working relationships with others. Learning how to establish and clearly communicate expectations and goals for those you lead earns respect and increased productivity from them. Additionally, a value-added component to coaching can include individual or group work developing enhanced presentation skills to make your point with impact. Coaching sessions are individually customized to ensure maximum results for the client.

Group Facilitation
Every organization needs to hear the voice of its internal and external customers and key stakeholders to ensure all critical partners are delivering and/or receiving high service levels and superior customer satisfaction. It is often helpful for a third party to facilitate such group input and focus sessions to gather feedback for clients to ensure relevant and specific information is captured and provided to organizational leaders. These sessions are customized to address the specific feedback and input being sought.